I saw Spirited Away on TCM a few weeks ago. It was awesome. I had so much inspiration for my FF7 Seph/Cloud fic. Unfortunately, I fell asleep and didn't get to write at all. I started a new fic with Sasuke and Naruto. Sasuke receives a french maid outfit and puts it on and Naruto sees him. It's a lemon, but it's my first one, so I probably won't post it until I'm satisfied with it. Which may take a long time, knowing me. Thank god, I'm taking English write now. I can work on my skills.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Friday, December 09, 2005
Your Power Color Is Teal |
![]() At Your Highest: You feel accomplished and optimistic about the future. At Your Lowest: You feel in a slump and lack creativity. In Love: You tend to be many people's ideal partner. How You're Attractive: You make people feel confident and accepted. Your Eternal Question: "What Impression Am I Giving?" |
The guy I love hates me. At the beginning school today, he completely ignored me and walked away when I was going to class. My friend Rebecca was going to her locker and for some reason I had to go with her. Anyways I turned around and saw him looking at me. He looked away when he saw me staring at him. Well, Rebecca walked off and I followed her. When we reached his group of friends he turned and walked away. It hurt. I didn't do anything to him. I know it wasn't because of the bell since we still had at least four minutes left to get to class. (We have a 5 minute bell that rings then and 1 minute warning bell.) I couldn't see him at lunch since I unfortunately had 1st lunch that day because of ROTC taking up the gym. I was able to see him before though, in the commons right next to the cafeteria. For some unknown reason he was out after the 3rd block bell rung. I looked down when he passed me. I watched him as he went down the hallway. He glanced back a total of 6 times before he disappeared behind the corner and outside to his class. After school when he left to go to his dad's car he looked at me while I was messing with an Inuyasha plushie that belongs to my sister. He wouldn't stay in the car window so I had to keep holding him. I ignored him as he did me of course. I'll probably act like nothing happened on Monday.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
I'm almost done with my new Furuba fic. It's Yuki and Kyo. I won't post it here until I get I edit it and make better. Much better. What I hate about writing stories is that you need a title. They are so hard to make up! I need inspiration. You know, it's funny. Every time I had inpsiration for my fic, I was either going to sleep, or couldn't get on the computer. I should really finish it, and soon. So I will. Ja mata.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Chaos Angel
This place is hard, believe me. I recommend Tails for these levels since he can fly, but, if you think about it, Sonic can too with their tag action. You might get stuck taking the same path over and over again, if you don't stop to look for others.
Chaos Angel Act 3 is fairly easy, if you are Tails. It took me a little over 2 minutes to beat this place. The floating Eggman platform that you are on is not that long. The only land (if you could call it that) is where the checkpoints are located. I didn't use any of them, though. Halfway through the short level you will start to see three vertical rings in certain places. Walk right under them to get them all and don't move. If you do, you will be crushed when the platform goes up through two pillars with a small space between them where the rings led you. All you really have to do is follow the rings and you will be safe. Unless of course, you fall off the platform or get killed by spikes or badniks.
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Change the World
My Will
I Am
Fukai Mori
Every Heart
Owari Nai Yume
Brand New World
People's Themes
Inuyasha and Kagome
Anime music is the best. I have to many to keep track of in my head, so I'll type them. Of course, not on this one post. This is the intro to it.
I did it again!!
I made it to Chaos Angel. The music is best heard through headphones.
Now that I think about it, Cyber Track is one of the easiest levels with Tails since he can fly. One thing that I hate about the levels are the ropes. You have to time it just right to get to where you want to go. When you swing up and you hit A, you will go up. Same with swinging down. You can't control what direction you want to go in. And for the the thingy with the arrows going different directions, just press A when the direction you want to go is lit up.
The boss for Cyber Track is fun to beat. All you need to do is jump around, hitting the blue balls so they turn orange and hope that they hit Eggman. You can still get hit by the orange and blue balls and that sucks. When Eggman is almost gone, he'll start lauching the blue balls faster and faster to the point where four balls are flying around the screen. Just keep jumping and soon Eggman will be destroyed!
Chaos Angel is the 7th Zone which means that it is the last level. Since I just made it to that level, I don't know if their is a final zone after it or what. The music for Act 2 sounds so dramatic. I think I'm going to like this level.
I can't wait to beat this game. I want to play with everyone else and try out their team attacks.
Friday, July 08, 2005
I did it!!
I made it past Twinkle Snow! I am so happy. I figured out the best way to kill Eggman is to just jump from platform to platform. Don't try to hit him. Just keep jumping. All you need to do is just watch out for the spike mace thing he has.
Cyber Track is Zone 6. I love the music. This level is tricky. I haven't fully beaten an act yet. I'm too busy listening to the music. I like it that much. Act 2, like all of them, has the best variation of it's Zone's Music. I wonder if any of that stuff is on the internet. The music, I mean.
And before I forget. I, Ayame Ishtar, vow to beat Crystalis, for the NES, no matter what. Even if the game is erased. I suffered through it two times, so I can handle a third. But no fourths. Unfortunatly this vow has already been posted on Gaia Online so I can't do anything about. I swear on Kyou-kun and Yuki-kun that I will beat that game. For all orange cats!
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Why am I a natural born editor, yet my stories stink?
My friend setos girlfriend on mediaminer.org (seto'sgirlfriend on fanfiction.ner) is posting her first fic ever and I decided to help her out. The first chapter is up, but the story is hidden so don't go looking for it. She sucks at quotations. Hi Seto said. Is one of the things that I have to deal with.
Unfortunately, only I have a computer and the story is on said computer. Luckily, she lives near a library and can email me the chapters. I get the honor of posting for her, unless she is at my house, then she can post it herself.
I'm basically making this story mine. I'll just say that I cowrote it.^_^ I have added so many sentences to that thing, so that it isn't just dialouge.
I think she needs help with the lime. I could help her. HA! Yeah, right. Mine sucks. Being descriptive sucks. Using synonyms and similes and metaphors and analogies sucks. So does not breathing while typing that long (not really) sentence with no commas.
You also have to picture the way the character would say it to keep it in character. That is hard. Seto Kaiba does not say "Hi". He says "What do you want, mutt? You're blocking my light." Joey would not reply "Sure thing, Seto-chan!" Instead of saying that incredibly stupid not-like-Jou-at-all sentence, he would say angrily "Shove off, moneybags. You don't own this country" or something along those lines. Notice that I used the word angrily. It made you see that Joey was fed up with Kaiba's crap and was ready to get into a fight if provoked.
Also, you don't need to have 'Seto said' by everything that he said. It becomes old really quick and annoying if he is only talking to one other person. Like Joey for instance.
"Why should I, mutt? So you can bask all day in the sun like the dog you are?" Seto said, smirking.
"You wanna get into a fight or something? 'Cuz ya starting ta piss me off."
"Ha! As if you could take me down. Listen, mutt, we have all seen what happens when you attack your master: You end up on the floor, tail between your legs while whimpering pathetically." The young brunette smirked.
The offended boy growled, leaping at the CEO.
See? That was easy wasn't it? All this from the top of my head. I also used a metaphor with the whole dog thing. Instead of using their names over and over again, I skipped out on the last two sentences. You already know that Joey is going to respond, so why would I say his name after it. Unless they do an action or change their expression, their name is not needed. As you can see, Seto smirked, knowing that Joey would get all riled up, which is why I added 'the young brunette smirked'.
Using their occupation in place of their name is also good. For Seto, it is the CEO. Hair color, eye color, their current mood, and whether or not they are taller or older than the one they are currently having a conversation with are all name replacers.
Joey and Seto: I could've of put 'The shorter boy growled' instead of 'the offended boy', but the latter sounds better with the situation.
Seto and Mokuba: 'The older boy smiled slightly at his younger brother.' Or 'The brunette ruffled the young boy's hair.'
Ryou and Bakura: 'Soft chocolate eyes stared into sharper, more deadly ones'. I used Ryou and Bakura for the eyes, since they have the same color. Yami and Yugi wouldn't have worked since Yugi has violet eyes, and Yami amethyst. Malik and Marik might've worked, since as far as I'm concerned, they both have lavender eyes.
Try to be as decriptive as you can. If a bird flew past, add that in! Don't be too descriptive, though. When talking about their apperance, you don't have to go as far as their DNA, or which hairstrand is longer than all of the others. We don't care about that. But, if they have a mole under their right eye, you can tell us, especially if the character is your own character. Since half of us can't draw, we need to have the reader know what the character looks like.
Synonyms are the way of the future. Just don't use words that no one understands. But, if you feel compelled to do so, tell us what the word means in parenthesis next ot the word. I remember reading a story with Seto and Joey (Go figure). Seto was insulting Joey with words I had never even heard of. I needed a dictionary to understand half of those words.
Hard to believe that me whining about being a beta turned out to be a guide to writing. If you knew how old I was, you would be surprised. I can't even believe that I wrote this. I'm only a teenager. Wow.