Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Chaos Angel

This place is hard, believe me. I recommend Tails for these levels since he can fly, but, if you think about it, Sonic can too with their tag action. You might get stuck taking the same path over and over again, if you don't stop to look for others.

Chaos Angel Act 3 is fairly easy, if you are Tails. It took me a little over 2 minutes to beat this place. The floating Eggman platform that you are on is not that long. The only land (if you could call it that) is where the checkpoints are located. I didn't use any of them, though. Halfway through the short level you will start to see three vertical rings in certain places. Walk right under them to get them all and don't move. If you do, you will be crushed when the platform goes up through two pillars with a small space between them where the rings led you. All you really have to do is follow the rings and you will be safe. Unless of course, you fall off the platform or get killed by spikes or badniks.


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6:32 AM, December 17, 2010  

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