Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Sonic Advance 3

I finally have it! Whoooooo!! I can't believe it! This game is so awesome. You get to tag up with other characters. First you start off with Sonic and Tails. They are the only two available characters at the time.

The first zone, Route 99, has three acts and a boss level(well, they all do). I love the music there. It's set in a city(futuristic or not, I can't tell) You have to get to the goal in less than ten minutes (not that different from most Sonic games). Hidden Chaos are spread throughout the acts and one is in the zone. The boss here, (after you beat all 3 acts, you can fight him) uses a hammerlike thing to crush you. I found it easier to stand real close to him, and move back when he is getting ready to strike. Then jump up and hit him. If you're lucky, your partner might get a hit in, too.

The second zone, Sunset Hill, looks so much like Green Hill Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog 1. And guess what? It uses the same music. Only it sounds so much better in my opinion. Robotnik is a ball in this one. He rolls around the screen, until he gets hit. Then he'll roll back down. It takes him awhile to pick up enough speed to reach the top again. I can't help you with any hints for this guy. I just used Sonic(I was tails so Sonic was my partner). I would jump, and so would he. I can't believed it worked.

The third zone, Ocean Base, is pretty cool. I've only beat the first act so far, so I can't say much for this zone.

I am so so happy! I have all 3 Sonic Advances. Wow. Yaaaaaaaaayyyy!!!

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Untitled Notes

This was the first shonen-ai fanfic I have ever written. And it was rated R. Wow. I always thought it would be Bakura and Ryou, but it turned out to be Seto and Jou. It's weird.

I made Jou sound like the show when he was talking, and then it just stopped. He had perfect speech.

The reason Seto fainted was because of the heat. I should really add that into the story somewhere. I think I did. I probably didn't but hey, no one's perfect.

I had to have Kaiba say "puppy" more than mutt. It was showing that he was being nicer to Jou. Although he (Jou) didn't notice.

The door was unlocked at the end. In the first part of the story, Mr. Hideki came in and explained the situation. I hope I did a good job of that. Anyways, Mr. Hideki came in at night. On the second night when the boys were sleeping, exhausted I might add, Mr. Hideki saw them, while restocking the fridge, and unlocked the door, seeing that they had finally gotten together.

If you have any questions about the story, leave a comment and I'll answer them as soon as possible.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Brigadier General Hughes

Maes Hughes...

One of the best characters on FMA and they kill him off! I hate you Envy! Stupid S.O.B.

You know, I always wanted to see episode 25. On almost every Fullmetal Alchemist fanfic summary, it said "Warning: Spoilers for episode 25".

It was so sad. Elysia didn't know what was happening ("Mommy, why are they burying daddy?"). And what about Gracia? She had to explain to Elysia that her daddy is never coming back.

My sister is never watching FMA ever again. But I will in order to see what will happen next.

I think that Mr. Roy Mustang was the one who was mourning the most. Those two were best friends. Brigadier General Hughes(I'm respecting him even in death and even though he isn't real) had stopped Roy from killing himself over the Ishbal Massacre.

Ed and Al don't even know. It was sad seeing them talk about Brigadier General Hughes as if he were still alive. They don't even know...

I really wanted to cry about it. I HATE YOU ENVY!!

Brigadier General Hughes was a dedicated family man who acted like an idiot, but was a really smart man. We'll all miss you.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Never Been So Bored in My Entire Life

I am bored (As if you couldn't tell by the title).

I have been reading YGO! and YYH fanfiction at Fanfiction.net for a while now. Even though it was BakuraxRyou and KuramaxHiei, I was still bored.

Right now, I'm listening to some video game music. MegaMan 3 IntroInjuryMix by Injury.

Never been so bored....

I found a cool site that's teaching me Japanese stuff. It has guides on how to properly write hiragana. There are exercises after each lesson. The site url is: http://japanese.about.com/mmore.htm. (The 2 m's in more are supposed to be there)

My brother and his friend are here. Oh joy. Can you here the sarcasm. They're both 20 and haven't move outta their houses yet. Please God, make them leave. Please?

Still bored.

Yeah, it's my birthday. I get to have a birthday dinner, but I have no clue as to what it should be. I really want snow crab legs. But no. "It's not on sale" my mother would always say. That gets so annoying after a while.

I had a party on Saturday. Got cake. No presents though. I'm supposed to be getting them today. So far I have The Series of Unfortunate Events the movie, $25, and King Leo Pepperments.(Those are really good).

Don't have school today. The teachers gotta work. Yay.

If you couldn't tell, I am a very sarcastic person. Aren't you so happy for me? But, otherwise I am strange. I act like Kurama. Being smart and aware of everything around, making deductions. Then I act like Youko Kurama. Sneaking around, persuading people to do things for me (It doesn't work at all), and stealing. But don't worry. I always give back what I steal and tell the person I stole it from to always keep tabs on your stuff. Wouldn't want a real thief to take it do we now?


I miss Crystalis (Game for NES). My NES won't work and it erased my saved game. My experience level was 14 and you need 16. All of my hard work...It's my favorite RPG game and all my hard earned experience points are gone. Why? Why...?

I should go. I'm not bored anymore. In fact I'm pretty happy. I guess ranting about nothing
for 30 minutes will do that to a person. I gotta do this more often. Ja mata.


I went to WOF yesterday for free! Sweet, huh? 'Quel-chan and Mari-chan went with along with 30 other kids.

I went on the spinny thing. I forgot its name but Adventureland has one just like it called the Silly Silo. I was so dizzy and screamed when the floor went down. The other kids were going to go on the Octopus, but someone threw up on it. Glad I didn't go.

I went on the Sea Dragon with 'Quel-chan and Mari-chan. It's just like a swing that goes up really high. I only screamed when I was going down cuz I kept raising up outta my seat.

When the other kids rode the Mamba, 'Quel-chan, Mari-chan, some girl (I forgot her name) and me went on the Fury of the Nile. We went on it like four times in a row before the other kids got back.

Then we went to the Monsoon. I was in the front with Mari-chan. 'Quel-chan was too afraid to come with us, but she at least stood on the bridge. When we were going up, I got dizzy cuz I looked down. While we were up on the slide before you go down, I was getting very nervous. Then we shot down. I'm pretty sure that I was screaming the loudest. Yeah, I got soaked. Completely. But it was fun. After the ride, I stayed on the brigde and got drenched.

Then we trudged over to the Boomerang. 'Quel-chan and I stayed on the ground, of course, and played some games. She won a small dog. I didn't play anything. I wanted to spend my money in the arcade.

So then after everyone is about dry, I rush to the arcade, get about 30 tokens and start playing LOTR Pinball. I beat my old score: 9,345,000 and got 11,574,000. I was able to keep up to four balls in play when it went to multi-ball. Better than I did last time.

I played Skee-Ball Xtreme and got the ball into 100 on my 1st try. Then I was really focusing on getting tickets so I played the ticket machines and got 230 tickets. I got some stuff for my friends who couldn't come. And for me of course.

A bit after that, 'Quel-chan dragged me over to go get a hat from Charlie's Caps. We didn't get a hat but some stuffed bears and she got a pink monkey.

Then souveneir shopping. All I bought was a gold thingy that said WOF and OOF in blue and Worlds of Fun in gold with red surrounding the letters making it stand out.

We left the park shortly after that, got food at Wendy's (Great Biggie Fries and Chicken Nuggets), then drove back to Nebraska in our charter bus while watching White Chicks. We arrived at Creighton at 11:30 p.m. (We got to the park at 4 or 5. We went on a tour of the Nelson-Atkins Museum before going to WOF)

It was so much fun and free. Plus my mom said it was my birthday present since my b-day is today, May 2. Tanjoubi omedetou! Ja mata.